The Christening
Oooooookay. I tried this crap once before, but found out that I generally stay way too busy to remember to post. So here we go again.
tjayswift v2.0 - I promise I'll try harder this time.....
I've toyed around with a few different ideas as far as what kind of stuff I'm going to cover, and in what detail. Ideas ranged from a humorously cynical social and political commentary (but there's way too many of those) to a chronicle of my travels and adventures to pure nonsensical abstract comedic babble. But after much thought (okay, like 10 minutes, max) I think the best approach is probably going to be to just see what happens and run with it. I know I'm going to get some traffic from my moto-buddies, and my guitar friends, and my computer-geek-ish work friends, so I'm probably not going to go into much detail about things like chain and sprocket wear, the finer points of adding a jazz turnaround to a standard blues tune, or why my iBook logic board crapped out on me again.... That was a completely epic run-on sentence.
I'm not big on the whole "My name is Bubba, I'm 34 years old, I work as a blah blah....," but it would seem logical that some form of an introduction is in order. So I'll keep it simple-
I'm a young professional. I travel for a living. I have way too many hobbies to list, but surely most all of them will come up at one point or another.
Here are the rules I plan to at least semi-adhere to (these rules may be ratified, amended, or wholly disregarded without warning at anytime by the author):
1) All content will be the true story. Or at least only embellished or modified for the greater good of mankind, i.e. to protect the innocent, to protect my job, or to enhance the post's entertainment value.
2) I will only brag and/or boast about things I've really done.
3) The actions and/or comments of friends and aquaintances will be faithfully reproduced from my memory, as I recall at the time of writing.* Therefore, you are hereby advised to never say or do anything in my presence that you would not like your mother to read. Actually, you probably shouldn't do that stuff anytime.
*- Exception- Certain protective rights and privileges are extended to those with whom I am currently sleeping. Thus, if I have posted true information about you that you would like modified or removed, then you or your significant other must sleep with me in order to have said content modified or removed. That's just how it works.
4) I will make a conscious effort not to bore my visitors, and to update in a semi-regular, timely manner.
5) I will not use the likenesses and/or real names of any persons without said persons' prior consent.
6) All feedback will be sincerely appreciated and replied to, if appropriate. Unless you are just being an ass.
7) This little hole in the internet will be kept mostly work-safe. Language and images will be moderated in a fashion compliant with prime-time cable TV standards. Unless it's just *really* funny. Then I'll probably precede the post with a disclaimer.
That is all. More to come.
tjayswift v2.0 - I promise I'll try harder this time.....
I've toyed around with a few different ideas as far as what kind of stuff I'm going to cover, and in what detail. Ideas ranged from a humorously cynical social and political commentary (but there's way too many of those) to a chronicle of my travels and adventures to pure nonsensical abstract comedic babble. But after much thought (okay, like 10 minutes, max) I think the best approach is probably going to be to just see what happens and run with it. I know I'm going to get some traffic from my moto-buddies, and my guitar friends, and my computer-geek-ish work friends, so I'm probably not going to go into much detail about things like chain and sprocket wear, the finer points of adding a jazz turnaround to a standard blues tune, or why my iBook logic board crapped out on me again.... That was a completely epic run-on sentence.
I'm not big on the whole "My name is Bubba, I'm 34 years old, I work as a blah blah....," but it would seem logical that some form of an introduction is in order. So I'll keep it simple-
I'm a young professional. I travel for a living. I have way too many hobbies to list, but surely most all of them will come up at one point or another.
Here are the rules I plan to at least semi-adhere to (these rules may be ratified, amended, or wholly disregarded without warning at anytime by the author):
1) All content will be the true story. Or at least only embellished or modified for the greater good of mankind, i.e. to protect the innocent, to protect my job, or to enhance the post's entertainment value.
2) I will only brag and/or boast about things I've really done.
3) The actions and/or comments of friends and aquaintances will be faithfully reproduced from my memory, as I recall at the time of writing.* Therefore, you are hereby advised to never say or do anything in my presence that you would not like your mother to read. Actually, you probably shouldn't do that stuff anytime.
*- Exception- Certain protective rights and privileges are extended to those with whom I am currently sleeping. Thus, if I have posted true information about you that you would like modified or removed, then you or your significant other must sleep with me in order to have said content modified or removed. That's just how it works.
4) I will make a conscious effort not to bore my visitors, and to update in a semi-regular, timely manner.
5) I will not use the likenesses and/or real names of any persons without said persons' prior consent.
6) All feedback will be sincerely appreciated and replied to, if appropriate. Unless you are just being an ass.
7) This little hole in the internet will be kept mostly work-safe. Language and images will be moderated in a fashion compliant with prime-time cable TV standards. Unless it's just *really* funny. Then I'll probably precede the post with a disclaimer.
That is all. More to come.

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