Tuesday, March 08, 2005

Books, the weather, and Geminis

So one of my friends got a book deal a couple of weeks ago... for a book that is not yet written. He's never even written anything but a thesis before, and obviously never had anything published. I asked him what I have to do to get a book deal. He told me to write one. I explained to him that I don't have the first clue what to write about, because "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenence" has already been written. And then I reminded him that he has a Ph.D. And he said. "Oh."

Thanks for the help, Doctor.

And that reminds me- I had a roommate who was doing some computer work at the Sundance Festival a few years ago, and was approached by a certain famous director and told that he had "a look we've been searching for." He was then given a few phone numbers, and in a couple of weeks was in New York staying in a penthouse suite while he auditioned for a co-star role with Sean Connery. He had never acted before in his entire life, except to get laid....

They sent him the script, and I'm reading it, thinking, "Wow. This is a BIG budget movie, and they're bringing in some complete unknown from Tennessee to co-star in it." They were offering him $2mil up front, plus a draw off of the box revenue. I know this because I had to pretend to be his representation for a couple of days while he was out of town and the phone was ringing off the hook. I tried to give him a crash course in acting before the second round of auditions, teaching him to be aware of body language, vocal inflections, etc.... I told him to make sure to get me in as an extra and get one of my songs on the soundtrack as part of his contract.

He ultimately didn't get the role due to his lack of experience, but it was close. It came down to him and the kid who finally got it. You probably saw the movie.

Moving right along... I'm wondering what exactly god has against me riding my motorcycles. I went to Cali (where I don't have a bike) for the weekend, and the weather was warm and beautiful both there and at home. I come home and go to work this morning, and it starts SNOWING. And the forecast ain't lookin good for this week. What gives?

...and I'm hoping a certain Gemini cheers up soon. Hi there. GIT 'ER DONE!!!



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