Yes, I acutally sent this in an email...
YOU... have shown more than a lack of respect for myself, my feelings, and what we had... more than a lack of love.... it feels as if it were malicious... this is fucking unbelievable. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the fact that you could be SO fucking foolish... as if I would never find out... as if I were stupid enough to for you to think that you could USE me twice.
And that's what I've been- USED. Kid yourself about it all you want... You thought you could string me along a little longer while you had some fun. Well, honey, I'm not THAT nice. I can't pretend that this isn't the most incomprehensibly hurtful thing that has ever happened to me....
You were just talking to me a couple of weeks ago about wanting to raise children with me, wanting to have a family, wanting to settle down.
How can you be so selfish? So stupid? So shortsighted? You obviously cannot function in a relationship unless you're getting every single fucking thing you want, and NONE of what you don't. Well, GUESS FUCKING WHAT- it won't EVER happen.
Be fucking prepared.
You spent the time that you weren't with him on the phone with me, telling me that you loved me, telling me that I mattered, telling me that you weren't seeing anyone else... that I was special....
... and through all of this, YOU have stripped every ounce of confidence and self-worth from my being.... YOU have scarred my soul in a way that will last until my grave.
Perhaps you've always been a pathological liar- maybe you've always been a cheater. I'm sure that I'm not the only one. I know that Steve's glad I filled him in. I feel GREAT for doing the right thing, once again... he deserved to know that you were cheating on me with him, as did your husband. Infact, if H had any sense, he would've dropped your ass like his life depended on it at the first clue..... hopefully Steve will have the sense to do that, rather than being next in line for being cheated on and scarred for life by someone who falsely claims to be honest, faithful, and innocent.... You are obviously incapable of comprehending love on the level that is needed to sustain a healthy relationship.
Your front has run its course. You have already lied to Steve by telling him that the divorce was final, that the big white truck was yours, and that you and I were done.
You get to stay awake at night knowing that you lied, cheated, and just generally fucked up.... I get to sleep peacefully knowing that I did all that I could.
We were an item. We were together.. we went to Key West on vacation with your parents, not two weeks ago.... YOU invited me... we spent time as a couple with your parents... I know that you'll tell all your friends and family that it wasn't that way, and you're probably convincing enough for them to buy it, but you and I know the truth...
I almost feel bad in a way for encouraging it.... for giving you the FIRST second chance... I made you feel as if it were all okay... as if cheating on your husband was fine, because you meant well... because you "never wanted to marry him" in the first place...
You ruined what had been a perfect relationship between myself and "Red," by playing my emotions, because you knew that you could. You showed absolutely no respect for the situation I was in, she was in, or your husband was in. And I bought it. I re-assured you. I didn't cut you off. That was my fault.
Does H, whom you are STILL MARRIED TO, know that you were contacting me and telling me that you loved and missed me through out the 7 or 8 months that you lived with him up there? Does he know that he never got a fair chance because you always truly wanted to be with me? Or was that bullshit, just like the words that you spoke to me tonight? Just like the words that you'll tell Steve, that HE is the one that really matters, the HE is the one that you really want to be with? He may just buy it until HE catches you lying and cheating... and if he sticks around, he will.
What goes around comes around.......
I told you when we first met that I believed "once a cheater, always a cheater." The ironic part was that you agreed with me and said that cheaters should rot in hell, fully knowing that that was EXACTLY what you were doing at that very moment. Disgusting.
I know that I still don't have all of the truth. I'll go ahead and admit that it kinda bothers me, but you know what? Fuck it. I'll never trust a word out of your lying fucking mouth again. You are completely unworthy of any trust. There's probably not a goddamn thing you could EVER do to regain even the first sliver of my trust or respect. They are worth more than you could ever possibly give.
You lay down and spread your legs for the first guy that comes along with biceps and pecs, and expect me to forgive you. Yeah, I said it. It's the goddamn truth. You have placed this upon yourself, and you have no one else to blame. YOU did it, not once, in a drunken stupor, but TWICE. You did it TWICE. So far as I know. That's not a mistake. You knew what you were doing... you knew that you were fucking up what you had with THE PERSON WHO LOVED YOU BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION. That love is waning. You no longer have the power to make me suffer. You no longer have a piece of my heart. You no longer have a place in my dreams. In my future.
I gave you a second chance, and a third, and maybe a fourth, and you continue to disrespect me as if I were worthless. As if my feelings didn't mean shit. As if I would just continue doing whatever you wished, despite how you treated me, forever.
Remember when I said that I'd ALWAYS stand by your side? Well, sorry- I didn't quite mean it like that. What I meant was- as long as you don't go around fucking other people and not telling me about it, I'll always be by your side. You found the ONE SINGLE THING that I could NEVER forgive you of, and you fucking did it. TWICE.
Forgive you? Not twice, I won't. I'm not that fucking stupid.
It is impossible for me to think that after you cheating on me multiple times that it wouldn't happen again.... over, and over, and over... just like it always has.
You have set the precedent. You have established the pattern..... and I will do everything within my power to make sure that no one else in the future suffers like I have. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Even after I knew that you were cheating on me, you tried to lie to me and say that it wasn't as bad as it was, that you only kissed him, that you never slept with him. Bullshit. I talked to him, and I know the truth. And you didn't just do it once- you slept with him, then you talked to me on the phone and told me you loved me, and then you did it AGAIN that very same night. And now you suffer, as well you should.
You have reaped what you have sowed, and you will continue to do so as long as you lie, cheat, and deceive. I sincerely hope that you feel terrible about all of this for a long time-- because you should.
NO ONE in my entire life has been so malicious, so selfish, so cruel, so intentionally hurtful as you. It is honestly beyond my comprehension that any person on this planet could be so knowingly evil. So blatantly hurtful, and show absolutely NO REMORSE WHATSOEVER. It's hard for you to even apologize- I can hear it in your voice. You say it as if it's a lie.... As if somehow you've convinced yourself that it's okay, that it's justifiable, that you had a good reason to. Sorry, but you didn't.
As I mentioned on the phone, it's not so much what you did that causes the loss of respect, trust and love. It's the fact that you are so prideful that you can't sit the fuck down, shut your fucking mouth, and take the words that I have to say like you deserve. I try and tell you how badly you have hurt me, and you hang up on me, because I'M BEING RUDE??
The fact that you are absolutely incapable of falling to your knees, crying all over my feet, and begging forgiveness is what ruins US. The fact that you're not pounding on my door, in tears, the way anyone who was truly sorry and actually wanted forgiveness would..... that's the clincher. YOU owe ME. Fuck it if you can't own up to it. Fuck it, if your stupid pride prevents you from sitting there and taking responsibility like you should. I put more into this than I had EVER EVEN IMAGINED that I would or could give to someone.... more than you could possibly comprehend.... and you slap me in the face with this. And then act like you had a RIGHT to do it?
Two nights of carnal pleasure. I hope it was worth it. Make sure you tell him how you described him to me- that he means nothing, that he's "short and round," that you aren't even attracted to him- I'm sure he'll love it.
You are not worth my time. I deserve better.
YOU... have shown more than a lack of respect for myself, my feelings, and what we had... more than a lack of love.... it feels as if it were malicious... this is fucking unbelievable. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the fact that you could be SO fucking foolish... as if I would never find out... as if I were stupid enough to for you to think that you could USE me twice.
And that's what I've been- USED. Kid yourself about it all you want... You thought you could string me along a little longer while you had some fun. Well, honey, I'm not THAT nice. I can't pretend that this isn't the most incomprehensibly hurtful thing that has ever happened to me....
You were just talking to me a couple of weeks ago about wanting to raise children with me, wanting to have a family, wanting to settle down.
How can you be so selfish? So stupid? So shortsighted? You obviously cannot function in a relationship unless you're getting every single fucking thing you want, and NONE of what you don't. Well, GUESS FUCKING WHAT- it won't EVER happen.
Be fucking prepared.
You spent the time that you weren't with him on the phone with me, telling me that you loved me, telling me that I mattered, telling me that you weren't seeing anyone else... that I was special....
... and through all of this, YOU have stripped every ounce of confidence and self-worth from my being.... YOU have scarred my soul in a way that will last until my grave.
Perhaps you've always been a pathological liar- maybe you've always been a cheater. I'm sure that I'm not the only one. I know that Steve's glad I filled him in. I feel GREAT for doing the right thing, once again... he deserved to know that you were cheating on me with him, as did your husband. Infact, if H had any sense, he would've dropped your ass like his life depended on it at the first clue..... hopefully Steve will have the sense to do that, rather than being next in line for being cheated on and scarred for life by someone who falsely claims to be honest, faithful, and innocent.... You are obviously incapable of comprehending love on the level that is needed to sustain a healthy relationship.
Your front has run its course. You have already lied to Steve by telling him that the divorce was final, that the big white truck was yours, and that you and I were done.
You get to stay awake at night knowing that you lied, cheated, and just generally fucked up.... I get to sleep peacefully knowing that I did all that I could.
We were an item. We were together.. we went to Key West on vacation with your parents, not two weeks ago.... YOU invited me... we spent time as a couple with your parents... I know that you'll tell all your friends and family that it wasn't that way, and you're probably convincing enough for them to buy it, but you and I know the truth...
I almost feel bad in a way for encouraging it.... for giving you the FIRST second chance... I made you feel as if it were all okay... as if cheating on your husband was fine, because you meant well... because you "never wanted to marry him" in the first place...
You ruined what had been a perfect relationship between myself and "Red," by playing my emotions, because you knew that you could. You showed absolutely no respect for the situation I was in, she was in, or your husband was in. And I bought it. I re-assured you. I didn't cut you off. That was my fault.
Does H, whom you are STILL MARRIED TO, know that you were contacting me and telling me that you loved and missed me through out the 7 or 8 months that you lived with him up there? Does he know that he never got a fair chance because you always truly wanted to be with me? Or was that bullshit, just like the words that you spoke to me tonight? Just like the words that you'll tell Steve, that HE is the one that really matters, the HE is the one that you really want to be with? He may just buy it until HE catches you lying and cheating... and if he sticks around, he will.
What goes around comes around.......
I told you when we first met that I believed "once a cheater, always a cheater." The ironic part was that you agreed with me and said that cheaters should rot in hell, fully knowing that that was EXACTLY what you were doing at that very moment. Disgusting.
I know that I still don't have all of the truth. I'll go ahead and admit that it kinda bothers me, but you know what? Fuck it. I'll never trust a word out of your lying fucking mouth again. You are completely unworthy of any trust. There's probably not a goddamn thing you could EVER do to regain even the first sliver of my trust or respect. They are worth more than you could ever possibly give.
You lay down and spread your legs for the first guy that comes along with biceps and pecs, and expect me to forgive you. Yeah, I said it. It's the goddamn truth. You have placed this upon yourself, and you have no one else to blame. YOU did it, not once, in a drunken stupor, but TWICE. You did it TWICE. So far as I know. That's not a mistake. You knew what you were doing... you knew that you were fucking up what you had with THE PERSON WHO LOVED YOU BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION. That love is waning. You no longer have the power to make me suffer. You no longer have a piece of my heart. You no longer have a place in my dreams. In my future.
I gave you a second chance, and a third, and maybe a fourth, and you continue to disrespect me as if I were worthless. As if my feelings didn't mean shit. As if I would just continue doing whatever you wished, despite how you treated me, forever.
Remember when I said that I'd ALWAYS stand by your side? Well, sorry- I didn't quite mean it like that. What I meant was- as long as you don't go around fucking other people and not telling me about it, I'll always be by your side. You found the ONE SINGLE THING that I could NEVER forgive you of, and you fucking did it. TWICE.
Forgive you? Not twice, I won't. I'm not that fucking stupid.
It is impossible for me to think that after you cheating on me multiple times that it wouldn't happen again.... over, and over, and over... just like it always has.
You have set the precedent. You have established the pattern..... and I will do everything within my power to make sure that no one else in the future suffers like I have. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Even after I knew that you were cheating on me, you tried to lie to me and say that it wasn't as bad as it was, that you only kissed him, that you never slept with him. Bullshit. I talked to him, and I know the truth. And you didn't just do it once- you slept with him, then you talked to me on the phone and told me you loved me, and then you did it AGAIN that very same night. And now you suffer, as well you should.
You have reaped what you have sowed, and you will continue to do so as long as you lie, cheat, and deceive. I sincerely hope that you feel terrible about all of this for a long time-- because you should.
NO ONE in my entire life has been so malicious, so selfish, so cruel, so intentionally hurtful as you. It is honestly beyond my comprehension that any person on this planet could be so knowingly evil. So blatantly hurtful, and show absolutely NO REMORSE WHATSOEVER. It's hard for you to even apologize- I can hear it in your voice. You say it as if it's a lie.... As if somehow you've convinced yourself that it's okay, that it's justifiable, that you had a good reason to. Sorry, but you didn't.
As I mentioned on the phone, it's not so much what you did that causes the loss of respect, trust and love. It's the fact that you are so prideful that you can't sit the fuck down, shut your fucking mouth, and take the words that I have to say like you deserve. I try and tell you how badly you have hurt me, and you hang up on me, because I'M BEING RUDE??
The fact that you are absolutely incapable of falling to your knees, crying all over my feet, and begging forgiveness is what ruins US. The fact that you're not pounding on my door, in tears, the way anyone who was truly sorry and actually wanted forgiveness would..... that's the clincher. YOU owe ME. Fuck it if you can't own up to it. Fuck it, if your stupid pride prevents you from sitting there and taking responsibility like you should. I put more into this than I had EVER EVEN IMAGINED that I would or could give to someone.... more than you could possibly comprehend.... and you slap me in the face with this. And then act like you had a RIGHT to do it?
Two nights of carnal pleasure. I hope it was worth it. Make sure you tell him how you described him to me- that he means nothing, that he's "short and round," that you aren't even attracted to him- I'm sure he'll love it.
You are not worth my time. I deserve better.
mind if i send that to my ex, when i actually get in a relationship again and get fucked over per usual?
very good letter, doll. very good. right or wrong move doesn't matter, all that matters is that you got it off your chest and can now close that chapter of your life and move on and begin to ressurect the self worth and confidence you lost.
you're an amazing and great guy. don't let anyone tell you otherwise, even if you may not believe it at the moment.
Well Tom, I HATE that it has come to this for you. You deserve better. I've been trying to get you to realize that as long as you've been with her. Next time, listen to your sister. You were way too good for her from the beginning. Besides, she's fat, ugly and has a bad boob job. I know what it feels like to be cheated on and it is the absolute worst feeling in the entire world. You obviously feel betrayed/deceived, but the way it makes you feel about yourself is worse. Fuck it, she messed up (again). You've done all you could and you've put way too much into it. Be thankful you're not in Indiana and that you two aren't married and starting a family. She is an absolutely disgusting person with no soul. You do deserve better and you will find it. Call me if you need anything. The Dempseys are playing at Barley's Thursday night if you wanna go with me and my friends.
Love always,
I agree, always listen to Lis!
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