more of the same, only different.
For those of you who have asked, the horses are doing great.... Mia gets sweeter every day, and little Juice is as spunky and curious as ever. I need to take some pics of them tomorrow for y'all. We had a couple of ex-racers come in from Florida to be sold.... and they are some amazing creatures.
First off, let me say that if you've never tried to give a bath to a high-strung gelding fresh off the track in 40 degree weather, you're really missing out.
He is gorgeous, though.

... and as always, you can clicky to make it bigger.
Anyway, we have been blessed with a little good weather recently. Firefighter Jake and I took advantage of the opportunity last week and made a run down to the lake.
Here he is in all of his handlebar-moustached glory.

You see some funny things at the lake when the water's down.
Did anybody lose a cat?

Today we were blessed with 60 degree temps here in East TN..... I test rode a Triumph Speed Four. It felt pretty nice up in the mountains- I think I'm gonna buy it, incase anyone cares.

Sunday I'm heading back down to Austin (yay!!). Planning on watching the Super Bowl at one of my favorite pubs. I'm not really a fan of Seatlle or Pittsburgh, so I'll probably just drink and scream whenever I feel like it. You know, I'm still not sure whether I'm happy or sad that the Colts lost out....
I get to spend about a week at home after Austin before I head on over to San Diego..... Looking forward to meeting one of my cyber-friends while I'm out there.
I've totally been working on a couple of really personal posts in regards to both relationships in general and a particular couple of my past failures, but I'm just never quite happy with the way the words are turning out... it's like they always somehow misrepresent my true feelings.
Of course, that could just be because half the time, I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or cry in retrospect.
Some things change, I guess, and some things never will. Maybe true wisdom is being able to distinguish them from one another.
I'll leave you with this, because it sorta relates-
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "
-Albert Einstein
more soon from Austin, TX.....
First off, let me say that if you've never tried to give a bath to a high-strung gelding fresh off the track in 40 degree weather, you're really missing out.
He is gorgeous, though.

... and as always, you can clicky to make it bigger.
Anyway, we have been blessed with a little good weather recently. Firefighter Jake and I took advantage of the opportunity last week and made a run down to the lake.
Here he is in all of his handlebar-moustached glory.

You see some funny things at the lake when the water's down.
Did anybody lose a cat?

Today we were blessed with 60 degree temps here in East TN..... I test rode a Triumph Speed Four. It felt pretty nice up in the mountains- I think I'm gonna buy it, incase anyone cares.

Sunday I'm heading back down to Austin (yay!!). Planning on watching the Super Bowl at one of my favorite pubs. I'm not really a fan of Seatlle or Pittsburgh, so I'll probably just drink and scream whenever I feel like it. You know, I'm still not sure whether I'm happy or sad that the Colts lost out....
I get to spend about a week at home after Austin before I head on over to San Diego..... Looking forward to meeting one of my cyber-friends while I'm out there.
I've totally been working on a couple of really personal posts in regards to both relationships in general and a particular couple of my past failures, but I'm just never quite happy with the way the words are turning out... it's like they always somehow misrepresent my true feelings.
Of course, that could just be because half the time, I'm not quite sure whether to laugh or cry in retrospect.
Some things change, I guess, and some things never will. Maybe true wisdom is being able to distinguish them from one another.
I'll leave you with this, because it sorta relates-
"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. "
-Albert Einstein
more soon from Austin, TX.....
I hope Austin treats you as well as San Diego will. :)
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