Tuesday, March 22, 2005

Out of Breath

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
"It's funny how things make sense when you're lonely... It's funny how you want more when you're happy.."

Love those lines. Thanks, Hayden.

Sooooo, I had a pretty big weekend. Went to see Tuckaleechee Caverns again, rode the piss out of the motorcycles, spent some time in Knoxville's Old City, and took lots of photos. Saw some riding buddies up at Deal's Gap, although my favorite road, Foothills Parkway, is still closed due to landside-type activity.

Played some good music. Got a copy of Logic Pro, which has totally knocked my socks off.

One of my buddies has befriended a local law enforcement officer, which has been the source of quite a bit of comedic relief for us. The "pig" jokes are neverending. Mr. Officer was at the aforementioned buddy's house last night (on duty) as we were grilling steaks. I always knew that cops are just people too, but I've never actually spent any time with one before. I'm forever cracking up at things like, "DAAAAAMMMMN. You should've seen this chick I picked up for DUI last night. She was HOT." Then he got radioed for a car accident, radioed back that he was "tied up at the moment," and went back to watching "King of the Hill" with us. Then he looks at me and says "I love this f***in' show."

Next time, we're cooking pigs in blankets for him.

Over and out,



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