Friday, April 29, 2005

No New News

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
Not much new to report here- the weather's been royally crappy, and it looks like it'll warm up and dry out just in time for me to head out to Cali to work next week. If the weather's good there, though, I'm probably going surfing next weekend at Half Moon Bay. But even if that falls through, I've got a trip to San Diego planned this summer to surf with my buddy Jeremy.

Went to dinner at Metro Pizza last night with the Doctor and his kids (6 year old twins and a 10 year old, he affectionately refers to them as "the taliban")- the food was excellent, as always, and I got to see my old friend April- hiya, girl!!

I've been writing some intensely emotional music lately- between that, and running into some musician friends, I've been seriously contemplating putting together another band to play my songs live.

I don't have much desire to make a career of it anymore, but it'd be fun to play out once in a blue moon again. The blues thing every week is fun, but I'm telling you, when I sing these new songs, it feels like my soul is melting out of my mouth. And nobody else may like any of it, but I don't care. I'm really driven by it.

I'm gonna try to find some webspace here sometime soon where I can post the mp3s up. I'm not your anti-sharing type of musician- If it's my music, you're more than welcome to it.

Just remember- you get what you pay for....

In closing, I leave you with the above picture from the other night of my good buddy Rich Kavana, the professional "rassler." His slogan:

"From Maryville to Maynardville, from Sudan to Japan, from Baltimore to Singapore, I'm the baddest in the land."



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