Thursday, March 24, 2005


Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
So... over the course of the past couple of hours, I have evidently been chosen by a random neighborhood cat as "Daddy." She was living in Firefighter Jake's old truck. I tried not to bring her home, but she followed me into my car. Honest. We'll just call the cat "Kitty" for now, because I'd rather not name her, and am *not* intending on keeping her. She's quite friendly, fairly clean, and seems to be in good health, but she's a bit on the emaciated side.

The cat thing in and of itself would not be an issue, as Jager LOVES kitties. The major problem arising here is Kitty's apparent aversion to dogs. Even though Jager's barely bigger than her, I think it's his general enthusiasm that scares her.

I decided not to introduce the two of them right away. I locked Jager up in the bedroom while I let Kitty get acclimated to the house, and that part went incredibly well. Kitty ate, drank, cuddled, purred, and was just generally happy as could be. She's one of the sweetest, most loving cats I've seen in a while. I put her up on the stove so she wouldn't feel too threatened when I let Jager out. Didn't work. Kitty immediately arched her back and began hissing at him, so I put him back in the bedroom. Then Kitty jumped down, curled around my legs, and began purring again. And suddenly I remembered why I'm more of a dog person.

At the moment, Kitty is in my bathroom behind the kiddie gates I bought when Jager was just a pup. He's quite distressed by the whole thing, because all he really wants to do is play with the kitty. He waits in front of the gate to see Kitty, then she pokes her head out, hisses, and goes back to hiding. Blah.

I'm not too sure how long this is gonna last. But I think in the meantime, Kitty will probably be sleeping outside while I post flyers, because I'm really not too keen on buying a litterbox and the related cat care items if I'm not planning on keeping her. She's quite the sweetie, but still a little more trouble than I'm able to take on at the moment, especially since I'm leaving this weekend for Philly, and will be gone the whole month of April with work (Vegas, baby!!).

Maybe if everything had been picturesque from the begininning with Kitty and Jager, things would be different. But I really love that dog, and I don't want stress him out. I'll post an update when something noteworthy happens. I really hope she finds a good home. Til then....



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