Saturday, April 30, 2005

La Femmes

There are some things about women that I will never understand...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, as a woman I can assure you that there are some things we do not understand about ourselves, not to even metion all those things we do not understand about men. So, no wonder it gets complicated sometimes...

4/30/2005 3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

And there is one thing women will always wonder about men: Where do men (such as tjayswift) get those dead-sexy goatee's? How long do they take to grow? What is the perfect number of facial hairs to compose a goatee? Is it better if the mustache is attached or not (or there at all for that matter)? If two men were to make out, would their goatees become enmeshed in each other such as does velcro, making it difficult to pull away? How do you finely trim a goatee - electric razor, freehand with scissors, or using a small comb as a level for your scissors? Why do so many goatees include hairs not the same color as the rest of the gourd?

4/30/2005 7:56 PM  
Blogger tjayswift said...

Stuffie, you sound like either a very intelligent, sexy woman, or a retarded friend of mine named Matt, who's probably just bored because today's Saturday and he got tired of waiting on the short bus. I'm leaning one way, but I'd rather not show my hand just yet....

4/30/2005 8:08 PM  

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