In which I became one with my surroundings
Went for a ride today and got some great pictures to share. It was one of those days where I kept finding myself in the right place at the right time- enjoy.
The lawnmower on the right was afire on the side of the road in Friendsville- and you guys who ride 116 think things get weird out there... The smell of the rubber and oil burning was ultra pleasant- nearly enough to drown out the combination "cow manure/dead fish in the lake" smell that's indigenous to that area.
I rode on out through the countryside, and found some sweet scenery- love the way these hills roll. You can click to make them bigger.

I totally bonded with some cattle today (in a completely non-sexual way, before the comments start rolling in). You can't tell from their expressions, but you're looking at first-hand evidence of my amazingly persuasive expertise with bovine mammalia- about 10 minutes each of, "Heeeere momma cow, heeeere baby cow... that's a gooood little cow, come take a picture for tjaaaay"....

.... And just when I thought my strange adventures with semi-domesticated animals were done for the day, I come home to this:

No explanation available. You know just as much about it as I do now... Two pet bunnies making love in the street in front of my house.
I snapped a sweet shot of a Tulip Poplar blossom on my tree:

... And then it was time to start packing for my trip to Cali tomorrow. Wicked sunset this evening.

Quite a strange day, all in all. 'Specially with the whole bunny thing. More in a day or two from the Bay Area.
The lawnmower on the right was afire on the side of the road in Friendsville- and you guys who ride 116 think things get weird out there... The smell of the rubber and oil burning was ultra pleasant- nearly enough to drown out the combination "cow manure/dead fish in the lake" smell that's indigenous to that area.
I rode on out through the countryside, and found some sweet scenery- love the way these hills roll. You can click to make them bigger.

I totally bonded with some cattle today (in a completely non-sexual way, before the comments start rolling in). You can't tell from their expressions, but you're looking at first-hand evidence of my amazingly persuasive expertise with bovine mammalia- about 10 minutes each of, "Heeeere momma cow, heeeere baby cow... that's a gooood little cow, come take a picture for tjaaaay"....

.... And just when I thought my strange adventures with semi-domesticated animals were done for the day, I come home to this:

No explanation available. You know just as much about it as I do now... Two pet bunnies making love in the street in front of my house.
I snapped a sweet shot of a Tulip Poplar blossom on my tree:

... And then it was time to start packing for my trip to Cali tomorrow. Wicked sunset this evening.

Quite a strange day, all in all. 'Specially with the whole bunny thing. More in a day or two from the Bay Area.
I was noticing the same sunset last night on a 3.5 mile run from my house. Great picture, man.
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