I just LOVE mornings.

So.... just to clarify... I can make a living travelling the world and working with technology- but I couldn't figure out how to turn off this alarm clock if you had a gun to my head right now. Arrrrrrrrrrgh.
It would appear that my talents lie more in turning on than turning off. Although I think it may just be a state of mind thing... perhaps I should look at it as "getting" the clock off rather than "turning" it off. Maybe I'd have more success then?
Not coming from someone named "durtyburns." Does that mean like rope burn?
Yes. Yes, that's exactly what it means. Really.
And my links are merely blogs I find interesting, funny, or people from TN...you just happen to fall into all of the above!
But if you're gonna link to me then I demand my own heading, as I am not moto related...until I get my own HOG. Wouldn't want ya misrepresentin'...
Don't put up with my shit! You don't ahve to give me my own heading, I was just messin'. Afterall, it is in fact, your blog.
Oh adn spellign is overrated.
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