If you don't already know..
...what a FUPA is, just ask Neal-O. He'll demonstrate. And he's really good at explaining it- note the look of complete captivation on Firefighter Jake's face.
Been feeling a bit guilty about not updating often enough. Therefore, I will try to reward you with more dumb pictures than usual.
First off, the news that won't fit anywhere else.... Yesterday was the day for me to switch from Nextel to Cingular, and I was really tired of having a crap phone with no cool features. So I spent my life savings and got a Palm Treo 650. And it rocks much ass. I'll just stop right there before I sound like too much of a dork- although my "scenester" friends in Hollywood are telling me that "dork" is the new "bad boy" this year... but dammit, someone still needs to tell the frat boys that pink polo shirts just aren't that cool when 3 out of every 4 have them on.
Which is a not so perfect segway into my next "un-relatable" news.... so I guess that makes it work, kinda like a double negative... Anydamnway, my cynical, hyper-critical, can't-ever-just-appreciate-something-for-what-it-is buddy Maddox wrote the funniest, most on point article I've ever seen about blogs. I know he's a whiny bitch, but it's funny. Just freaking read it.
Today's political commentary- A message to my friends in France- quit laughing, bitches. I've got 20 Euros that says you're next, just because you're so damn smug.
They know I'm only kidding. (I have to start pissing my Parisian friends off now, since I'll be there in a month. They won't ever get drunk with me and rassle in the streets if I don't get them good and riled up now... ) Oh yeah, plus your Mom called. She said "ribbit."
Okay, so the headline pic is the only non-blurry one I got during the party... but I did sober on up on Saturday and get my happy ass out to take some decent ones.
Flowers were in bloom, and I risked life and limb amongst the deadly poisonous flying insects to bring you these pictures from the edge of the wasteland...

..was trying to express my more feminine side with this one..

In keeping with the happy/scary nature theme, here are a few from Elkmont- a nice place to spend a summer afternoon.

The woods were thicker than Jake's pubic hair. And that's saying something.

Then on Sunday, I watched the motoGP race over at Neal-O's while I molested his animals... Max liked it though-

The baby snake is the CUTEST thing ever. I know for a fact that I've seen bigger earthworms.

I'm surprised they don't make people eat these on Fear Factor. Oh, wait, I haven't watched TV in two years. They probably do now.

Shhh, don't tell anyone, but my birthday is Thursday.
Hope everyone is having fun- I'm back up to Indy this weekend, then off to NYC before I stop back in Indy again on the way home. You know it's good when...
Oh, and Shelley- my bruises are *almost* gone now....
See ya soon,
Been feeling a bit guilty about not updating often enough. Therefore, I will try to reward you with more dumb pictures than usual.
First off, the news that won't fit anywhere else.... Yesterday was the day for me to switch from Nextel to Cingular, and I was really tired of having a crap phone with no cool features. So I spent my life savings and got a Palm Treo 650. And it rocks much ass. I'll just stop right there before I sound like too much of a dork- although my "scenester" friends in Hollywood are telling me that "dork" is the new "bad boy" this year... but dammit, someone still needs to tell the frat boys that pink polo shirts just aren't that cool when 3 out of every 4 have them on.
Which is a not so perfect segway into my next "un-relatable" news.... so I guess that makes it work, kinda like a double negative... Anydamnway, my cynical, hyper-critical, can't-ever-just-appreciate-something-for-what-it-is buddy Maddox wrote the funniest, most on point article I've ever seen about blogs. I know he's a whiny bitch, but it's funny. Just freaking read it.
Today's political commentary- A message to my friends in France- quit laughing, bitches. I've got 20 Euros that says you're next, just because you're so damn smug.
They know I'm only kidding. (I have to start pissing my Parisian friends off now, since I'll be there in a month. They won't ever get drunk with me and rassle in the streets if I don't get them good and riled up now... ) Oh yeah, plus your Mom called. She said "ribbit."
Okay, so the headline pic is the only non-blurry one I got during the party... but I did sober on up on Saturday and get my happy ass out to take some decent ones.
Flowers were in bloom, and I risked life and limb amongst the deadly poisonous flying insects to bring you these pictures from the edge of the wasteland...

..was trying to express my more feminine side with this one..

In keeping with the happy/scary nature theme, here are a few from Elkmont- a nice place to spend a summer afternoon.

The woods were thicker than Jake's pubic hair. And that's saying something.

Then on Sunday, I watched the motoGP race over at Neal-O's while I molested his animals... Max liked it though-

The baby snake is the CUTEST thing ever. I know for a fact that I've seen bigger earthworms.

I'm surprised they don't make people eat these on Fear Factor. Oh, wait, I haven't watched TV in two years. They probably do now.

Shhh, don't tell anyone, but my birthday is Thursday.
Hope everyone is having fun- I'm back up to Indy this weekend, then off to NYC before I stop back in Indy again on the way home. You know it's good when...
Oh, and Shelley- my bruises are *almost* gone now....
See ya soon,
Glad to hear you're healing nicely,sissy boy...
The terrorists never comes to our merveilleuse Paris. We not make war only luv. (We lost all our war) You try to be a wise guy but as you were born on our national day, you are almost Français yourself. We think that is the raison you come to Paris. Happy anniversaire!
You travel to India a lot. Nice coutry India, but not like France. No place like France, you will fall in luv with France and the girls Françaises and never want to come back to your house.
Jean-Pierre et Marc,
Jour de Bastille Heureux. Merci tellement de la statue de la liberté.
Vous ne saurez jamais gentil nous pensons qu'elle est. Mai vos jours
soient remplis de bonheur et d'amusement jouant avec votre petite
Les miens détruiront vos femmes viennent septembre ! !
Girls Françaises are very picky. We hope the best luck for you but attention, you may not have great success. But there are more countries where you have more luck.
Surely you are man in success in your own country America. We have great success every time we visit America. The girls Americaines luv the accent Français...
Salut from Paris!
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