Back at the Gap
I know today's cover shot's been done about a thousand times- I just never get tired of it.
Took advantage of the opportunity to fly home a day early from Orlando, as we finished up our work a bit early. I took a bunch of artsy shots at Disney, but probably nothing any of you'd be interested in seeing...
Got my truck- it's not pretty, but it'll see plenty of use toting the dirtbikes around. YAY!!!!

I made it up to the Gap about 3PM or so- no law enforcement to be found, so that was good news. I got to put the DR through its paces for the first time up there, and it did pretty damn well. I passed a few of the guys from the SV rally- one stopped at the Overlook to ask me how I like the DR650. I didn't tell him it was a 350, figuring it might be bad for his ego.
A slight bit of drama unfolded when a guy from Florida tried to start a fight with a couple of the locals about passing, but it didn't get too out of hand. A National Park ranger ended up in pursuit of 3 locals, but it looked like by the time he got to the Crossroads, only one was still there. I hung around for a little while, but eventually I had to head home.
Caught up with my buddies from for a bit. Thanks for the drink, Keith.
As it was getting dark, I caught a couple of decent sunset shots.

I headed back down via Happy Valley road to 336, which is an absolute blast on the dual sport. Motorcycle riding just doesn't get much better than this:

There were some wicked hues in the sky this evening- and this tree was begging to frame the shot for me. I love being home.

Still looking forward to the dinner meet and greet next weekend with the East Tennessee Riders. If you haven't yet checked out the forum, please do. It's a great place for local moto-information.
I'm planning on heading back up to the Gap tomorrow afternoon about the same time, and I'll be around til dark or so, depending on law enforcement. Hope to see some of y'all up there. Gotta get some rest now.
Took advantage of the opportunity to fly home a day early from Orlando, as we finished up our work a bit early. I took a bunch of artsy shots at Disney, but probably nothing any of you'd be interested in seeing...
Got my truck- it's not pretty, but it'll see plenty of use toting the dirtbikes around. YAY!!!!

I made it up to the Gap about 3PM or so- no law enforcement to be found, so that was good news. I got to put the DR through its paces for the first time up there, and it did pretty damn well. I passed a few of the guys from the SV rally- one stopped at the Overlook to ask me how I like the DR650. I didn't tell him it was a 350, figuring it might be bad for his ego.
A slight bit of drama unfolded when a guy from Florida tried to start a fight with a couple of the locals about passing, but it didn't get too out of hand. A National Park ranger ended up in pursuit of 3 locals, but it looked like by the time he got to the Crossroads, only one was still there. I hung around for a little while, but eventually I had to head home.
Caught up with my buddies from for a bit. Thanks for the drink, Keith.
As it was getting dark, I caught a couple of decent sunset shots.

I headed back down via Happy Valley road to 336, which is an absolute blast on the dual sport. Motorcycle riding just doesn't get much better than this:

There were some wicked hues in the sky this evening- and this tree was begging to frame the shot for me. I love being home.

Still looking forward to the dinner meet and greet next weekend with the East Tennessee Riders. If you haven't yet checked out the forum, please do. It's a great place for local moto-information.
I'm planning on heading back up to the Gap tomorrow afternoon about the same time, and I'll be around til dark or so, depending on law enforcement. Hope to see some of y'all up there. Gotta get some rest now.
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