This weekend at the Gap

Credit Killboy and Pete for the photo
I haven't been home much recently, but I do keep up with my boys from the EastTnRiders crew quite regularly. It just seems appropriate that I mention the Deal's Gap situation this past weekend- there are lots of rumors circulating, and although I don't have all the facts, I'd like to at least point some folks in right direction...
First off- there was a fatality on 129 on Thurday evening involving a man on a BMW with his 14 year old son riding passenger. The bike left the road and continued off the hillside before colliding with a tree. Unfortunately, the driver did not survive. I know that some details are unclear at this point, but the young boy who was riding passenger was able to climb back up the hillside in the morning and flag down a car. He will be okay physically, but it really gets me down thinking about what he must be going through right now- not to mention that night of torture on the mountainside before he could find his way back up. So far, I have not seen or heard of anywhere to send flowers or donations.
A second accident happened on Friday involving Jack Wolfe of Hagerstown, MD, who was riding his Buell at the Gap to celebrate his birthday... Mr. Wolfe lost control of his motorcycle and went down an embankment as well. This one hits particularly close to home- a few of the EastTnRiders crew were in the area riding, and were immediately on the scene. Our boys went straight down the mountain to be with Mr. Wolfe and offer what help they could until the EMTs arrived. They assisted in the extrication, and upon getting Mr. Wolfe back up to the road, he went into arrest. Unfortunately, he was apparently pronounced dead while aboard the LifeFlight helicopter.
At the request of Mr. Wolfe's widow, in lieu of flowers or donations to the family, a fund has been setup by a member of the ETR group to benefit the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. Both checks/money orders as well as Paypal will be accepted- you can find the address and more details here at Killboy's site as well as here on the ETR forum. Thanks, Vance and Chris. You guys are awesome.
There is an article in the Daily Times on both accidents, and more details from those who were on the scene can be found in the original thread on the ETR board.
In spite of the tragedies this past week, I'm as proud as I can be of my good friends from the forum, as well as the local EMTs. You guys and girls really stepped up and gave your all. I just wanted to take a bit of my own space here and tell you all thanks. I know it wasn't easy, and y'all are awesome for going above and beyond to help our fallen brother. I'm sure his family is grateful for all your help, as well.
If you're a local rider or a vacation rider in the area, and you're not registered on the EastTnRiders forum, I would encourage you to do so. It's an amazing community of good friends who all enjoy the same thing- riding. If nothing else, log in and tell the folks who helped out on the scene how much we appreciate having people like them around.
I'll finish this post off by reminding all the riders- if you don't have any emergency contact cards, make some up. Keep one in the breast pocket of your riding jacket. I won't go through what all should be on it, as I'm sure you're all grown up enough to figure it out.... but it can make a world of difference- both for you and your loved ones- should anything ever happen to you.
I personally take it one step further; *anytime* I'm heading out to ride, I call the people I love. Just to say, "Hi, Mom/Dad/Sweetheart. I'm going riding- just wanted to let you know..." and the first thing I do as soon as I return safely is to call back and let them know that all is well. We take enough chances and put our loved ones through enough worry by getting out and riding every day- the least we can do is put their minds at ease by keeping the communication up. Plus, you never know..
Sorry for all the serious talk, but sometimes issues like this just have to be discussed.
Please be careful out there. All the gear, all the time.
And remember to enjoy yourselves. After all, that's why we do it, right?
I want your Bike.
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