Thursday, August 04, 2005

Room Service Again...

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
STILL here in LA. Heading over to Vegas on Friday, which should be at least slightly more entertaining...

The city of angels leaves me with a couple of burning questions: "Why are beautiful models all so STUPID??" "Are cigarettes $8 a pack everywhere but Tennessee?" "Did I wear this shirt already?" and most importantly- "How much money's left on my food budget?"

I've managed to have a *little* fun, the most notable of which was kicking it at my friend Walt's crib for a bit before heading out to a fun dinner and cruise down Sunset with the boys. His liquor cabinet is unbelievable...

Walt has maybe the cutest dog in the world (with the exception of Jager, of course)... whaddaya think?


Kiki is amazingly well endowed for a Maltese, but sometimes I'm not sure if Walt's not just a little too proud of that fact-


We helped Walt move some stuff from Cupertino into his place, and found some of the strangest things in his 'burban.... Here, Homey Dogg samples a burger made for a MAN.


For some reason, I'm now watching "House Party" while I eat my room service burger. Strange, yet somehow it's just right... Heh, he just said "rump wranglers."

Hoping to catch some more X-Games practice while I'm here- the setup is sweet.


Dude, Walt- thanks, man. You've made this trip worthwhile. Come see me and Jager in TN someday...



Blogger The Emergent Teacher said...

Please tell me someone said "Kiss my grits!" to you when you walked in to Mel's Diner...

8/04/2005 11:13 AM  
Blogger tjayswift said...

Unfortunately, we didn't get to go in.. it was Saturday night, the place was packed, and we were drunk and rowdy.

I would have really enjoyed it, though. But just wait- I'll go do the fun stuff in Vegas. And take pictures shamelessly.

8/04/2005 1:38 PM  
Blogger The Emergent Teacher said...


8/05/2005 9:02 AM  

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