Saturday, March 26, 2005

Philly Bound

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
Last night was a good one. The moon was in rare form over downtown Maryville. I got a few great shots from the back balcony of Brackin's, while I had some good drinks with some great friends.

Doing laundry and packing up tonight for the trip to Philly, which I've been looking forward to for various reasons. It looks like I'll be there for a week, and then home for a couple of days before I head to Vegas for the rest of the month. I'll let you guys know how it goes....

Meanwhile, I'm getting slightly irritated with all the media coverage of the whole Terri Schiavo thing. This has been the root of more internet debate and squabble than I can believe. This type of situation is not *that* uncommon, and it's a horrible position for any of them to be in, to say the least.

Now everybody and their dog has two cents to put in about it, while most of them know little or nothing about the situation, except for what they heard on the news last night. If it weren't for the ridiculous hype, I bet you the guy who tried to have Michael Schiavo killed wouldn't have had such a bright idea in the first place.

I don't pretend to be an expert on it in any way- infact, I'd rather not hear another thing about it. I don't have a "side" on this one. All I know is that I'm doing the best I can for myself and the people I love, and since my opinion isn't worth a dime one way or the other, the best thing for me to do is to mind my own frickin business.

Any of you that have had a relative on life supporting devices should know how it is- it's a DAMN tough situation to be in, and I don't think that any one of us can actually comprehend the exact emotions that the family are dealing with. I sure wouldn't have welcomed any outside opinions when I had to make that decision. Judge not, people. It's really none of your business, anyway.

And yes, Kitty's still here, although living outside. Every time I walk out the front door, there she is. I sit on the front porch and pet her sometimes when I have a minute. Still no success with getting her and the dog to get along, but obviously that's asking a little much, as dogs and cats don't have too great a history of being best buddies. Updates soon.

Have a good one.



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