Monday, October 30, 2006

Obviously, I have some issues.

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
... but some people in my life have far larger ones.

Tonight, I asked one of my exes to come over for a moment... in my newfound point of view relating to some of the things that have been going on in my life, she had been on my mind. I saw in retrospect just how much I meant to her, and despite the fact that our relationship was mostly filled with bickering and bad attitudes, I honestly felt that she had gotten the short end of the stick, which was pretty gracious of me considering the fact that at one point in time, she actually punched me IN THE BACK while I WAS SLEEPING.

Nonetheless, I pretty much both just realized, and just became able to care, about how badly she was hurt when it all ended.

In fairness, I had told her from day one (nearly a year ago) that I was NOT ready for any sort of relationship.... this was at a point in my life where I was just mostly confused and certainly not in a position to give, or to commit, the way that a person should truly be able to. It wouldn't have been that big of a deal, but it took me a long while, because of her general demeanor, to realize just how much she cared about me.

The fault that I made was to allow her to continue to get closer to me, and eventually move in, knowing that I wasn't giving as much as I could/should. My fault. I realize that, and it had been weighing on me heavily in light of my current situation.

The crappy thing about it all was that even upon walking in the door, she was accusatory, impatient, and generally just a cold bitch.

I attempted to inform her that I was sorry, and that I just wasn't in a place to commit at that time. I named off sweet things that she did for me, and I attempted to thank her for the (little) patience she showed me throught the ordeal, and I basically told her that she was a lot better to me than she really was, just because I felt sorry for position that I let her get in. The position that I left her in.

Her response was nothing short of infathomable to me.

She replied to my emotional outpouring by continuing to beat the proverbial dead horse and reminding me of every single shortcoming and imperfection regarding my relationship with her. That was followed by the absolutely infathomable accusation that I am incapable of admitting guilt. This of course, underlined that fact that she has probably never listened to a word I've ever said. If I can't admit guilt, then WHAT THE HELL AM I DOING RIGHT NOW?

The ironic part was her following her statement that I am unable to admit when I mess up, by stating that she had never screwed up, had absolutely nothing to apologize for, and was perfect to me.

She then proceeded to trump all that by telling me just how badly I screwed up, and that she felt, without a doubt, that she was "the best I'll ever do." She informed me that I will never again find another girl as attractive, intelligent, mentally stable (!?!?), and educated (humble too, huh?). She once again stated her superiorities over S. I was reminded of the fact that we didn't go out enough, and that I never spent enough money on her. She demanded explanations and apologies for things that happened ages ago. Things that she had (seemingly) forgiven and moved beyond.
FYI- I NEVER cheated.

I finally gave up at my apparently pointless attempt to convey an olive branch because of her attitude. It was the whole reason her ass had to hit the road before..... She got to the point this evening of attempting to say things just to hurt me. She informed me that she had gotten back together with her desperate, alcoholic, violent ex, and that he was treating her rather well. That's great news. You're asking for it, just the same as I was.

She was upset that although I had told her that I was going to Key West, I didn't mention that it was with "S" (who is the girl I was with immediately before her, if you haven't been keeping up). I tried to explain that I figured that she still had some feelings there, and that I was honestly trying not to be hurtful by omitting that fact.

Here's what funny: She got SO mad about the fact that I had been seeing someone from before her, when that's the exact same thing she's doing. She would look me in the eye and tell me that she didn't give a damn about me, while she got so mad and jealous that she was steaming.

At that point it became obvious that I'm not the one with the issues (at least not the MAJOR ones). You don't get so worked up and upset about someone moving on unless you're really still hung up on it. And she would act jealous and hurt and angry all while telling me that she had been over me for a while, and that there would never be anything between us again.... I truly don't care if she accepts my apology or not- I'm fully content knowing that I tried to say that I'm sorry.

But WHY? Why even try to lie and say it doesn't bother you when you're sitting there in your next breath threatening to kill my other ex?

I can understand her being a bit stand-offish.... hell, it's honestly kind of expected. But in between telling me that I don't matter to her at all anymore, she was snooping through my stuff for signs that "another girl has been here." At that point, I offered her to look through my phone, which she did without hesitation. And of course, what she saw made her even madder. She kept asking over and over if I'd been with anyone else, if I was talking to anyone else, etc, and accusing me of being with people that I've never been with.

It's absolutely incredible how some people can be so non-sensical at times. All I wanted to do was to make an apology, and perhaps try to mend some ties that had been broken. I ended up being chewed out for my lack of ability to apologize, among other things.

I didn't HAVE to apologize in the first place. I wanted to. And the funny thing is that she left my house more worked up about the whole thing than I was.

Is there something that I'm just not getting here?

Self-preservation is the downfall of many. Pride is the downfall of even more. The combination of the two creates some raging lunatics.


Sunday, October 29, 2006

Introducing the chatterbox...

It's over there on the right. ------->

The chatterbox website says it will help to "create a sense of community" between all of us... and I think that's probably a little ambitious. What I AM hoping, however, is that it will encourage some of you who don't post comments to participate... I know that there are all kinds of people, from all over the place, checking in here every so often- so I figured I'd create a way for you to provide input (or just tell me I'm an idiot) without needing a blogger user ID.

If it turns out to truly suck, or if no one uses it, I'll take it down.

Look forward to a post of substance coming soon.


Friday, October 27, 2006

Just wanted to share this one..

what a great shot of Tessa and I....


Thursday, October 26, 2006

Who has the greatest dog on the planet?

Here's your warning: DO NOT play this at work with your speakers cranked.


Add to My Profile | More Videos

a short clip of Jager the dog catching oyster crackers.....

Friday, October 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
... despite a liberal dose of my "happy-sleepytime medicine," I've managed to drink for 12 hours straight, without really getting intoxicated at all. I'm not quite sure if this means that I have finally arrived- that I have finally become a pro, OR if I should be ashamed.

I've never had a *problem* with alcohol.... I can drink a dozen every day/night for a week or two, and then go without a single drink for months.... I used to do it all the time.

I was hoping to try and stay off the sauce as a means of dealing with this...but honestly, as I told my friend Matt tonight... "I've barely slept, and I haven't eaten in a couple of days. I could not POSSIBLY be any more miserable. I can either keep going like this until I black out from the stress, the torment, the malnutrition, and the sheer exhaustion-- or I can have a few drinks, get my mind off of it, regain my appetite, eat, sleep, and wake up tomorrow somewhat replinished and ready to continue battling this."

It also helped me a ton tonight (last night) to go out with some friends, stay busy, and to find out that there are some girls who actually DO think I'm attractive. Who'd have thunk it? I had a great time, and I'd really like to thank my closest friends who forced me to get off of my ass and quit moping. and PS- A BIG THANKS to every single one of you who emailed me or called me and let me know to keep my head up and that all would be well. It means more than you know. The support has been overwhelming, and it really served to drive home the point that I HAVE done the right thing, that I HAVE been the good guy.

There's always that certain little sliver of feeling like you somehow failed... even though there was nothing that you could have done... the slight little feeling that you're giving up when you said that you never would, but there comes a point... fair is fair.

To tell the truth, I've actually been dealing with this MUCH better than I thought I would.. being cheated on, lied to, and betrayed is always gonna suck, but I honestly have less trouble letting go now that I know I've done all I could. This was a second chance that never should have been given in the first place, and it seems that it will be that much easier to walk away this time around.

.... and I'm being nice by saying "second" chance- it's probably more like the fourth or fifth. I'm done trying. I'm done giving and sacrificing to someone who refuses to give and sacrifice back. I can't keep doing the same thing and expect different results, and the pattern is established, so it's time to go.

The sting goes away with time. The tormenting mental pictures that keep me awake at night become less and less frequent. Longer and longer periods of time pass by that none of it crosses my mind whatsoever. And that's when I know that I'll be just fine. Life will go on... there is surely someone else out there who is just as charming, just as attracted to me, just as capable, and WITHOUT the self-destructive tendencies.

There HAS to be.... and here's why-- I believe that those of us who are chosen to draw a hand such as this are chosen for a reason.

Because we are the ones who can handle it. We are the ones who can remain on our own two feet, and move on- a little wiser, a little less naive, but none the worse for wear in the end. We are the ones that can and will love again.

I believe beyond the shadow of a doubt that what goes around comes around, and that those of us who have been selfless, giving, understanding, and caring will be the ones who are rewarded the most in the end........ and those of us who are nothing but malicious, hurtful, and selfish will continue to suffer.

There is hope for me... I've been "putting pennies in the karma bank." Others who have done nothing but rob it and other people blind for years... well, the time will come to pay the debt eventually. And I think the interest is pretty high on karma these days.

As I pointed out to my friend Devan this evening- "Look at me.... If I look THIS GOOD at the lowest point of my life thus far, then what do I have to complain about??"

Absolutely nothing. I tried. I gave all. It won't be instantaneous, but at some point, I'll be able to move on and hold my head up high and with confidence.

This is surely not the end of me dealing with this situation, but once again, THANKS EVERYBODY. I love each and every one of you.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006


Yes, I acutally sent this in an email...


YOU... have shown more than a lack of respect for myself, my feelings, and what we had... more than a lack of love.... it feels as if it were malicious... this is fucking unbelievable. I cannot for the life of me wrap my head around the fact that you could be SO fucking foolish... as if I would never find out... as if I were stupid enough to for you to think that you could USE me twice.

And that's what I've been- USED. Kid yourself about it all you want... You thought you could string me along a little longer while you had some fun. Well, honey, I'm not THAT nice. I can't pretend that this isn't the most incomprehensibly hurtful thing that has ever happened to me....

You were just talking to me a couple of weeks ago about wanting to raise children with me, wanting to have a family, wanting to settle down.

How can you be so selfish? So stupid? So shortsighted? You obviously cannot function in a relationship unless you're getting every single fucking thing you want, and NONE of what you don't. Well, GUESS FUCKING WHAT- it won't EVER happen.

Be fucking prepared.

You spent the time that you weren't with him on the phone with me, telling me that you loved me, telling me that I mattered, telling me that you weren't seeing anyone else... that I was special....

... and through all of this, YOU have stripped every ounce of confidence and self-worth from my being.... YOU have scarred my soul in a way that will last until my grave.

Perhaps you've always been a pathological liar- maybe you've always been a cheater. I'm sure that I'm not the only one. I know that Steve's glad I filled him in. I feel GREAT for doing the right thing, once again... he deserved to know that you were cheating on me with him, as did your husband. Infact, if H had any sense, he would've dropped your ass like his life depended on it at the first clue..... hopefully Steve will have the sense to do that, rather than being next in line for being cheated on and scarred for life by someone who falsely claims to be honest, faithful, and innocent.... You are obviously incapable of comprehending love on the level that is needed to sustain a healthy relationship.

Your front has run its course. You have already lied to Steve by telling him that the divorce was final, that the big white truck was yours, and that you and I were done.

You get to stay awake at night knowing that you lied, cheated, and just generally fucked up.... I get to sleep peacefully knowing that I did all that I could.

We were an item. We were together.. we went to Key West on vacation with your parents, not two weeks ago.... YOU invited me... we spent time as a couple with your parents... I know that you'll tell all your friends and family that it wasn't that way, and you're probably convincing enough for them to buy it, but you and I know the truth...

I almost feel bad in a way for encouraging it.... for giving you the FIRST second chance... I made you feel as if it were all okay... as if cheating on your husband was fine, because you meant well... because you "never wanted to marry him" in the first place...

You ruined what had been a perfect relationship between myself and "Red," by playing my emotions, because you knew that you could. You showed absolutely no respect for the situation I was in, she was in, or your husband was in. And I bought it. I re-assured you. I didn't cut you off. That was my fault.

Does H, whom you are STILL MARRIED TO, know that you were contacting me and telling me that you loved and missed me through out the 7 or 8 months that you lived with him up there? Does he know that he never got a fair chance because you always truly wanted to be with me? Or was that bullshit, just like the words that you spoke to me tonight? Just like the words that you'll tell Steve, that HE is the one that really matters, the HE is the one that you really want to be with? He may just buy it until HE catches you lying and cheating... and if he sticks around, he will.

What goes around comes around.......

I told you when we first met that I believed "once a cheater, always a cheater." The ironic part was that you agreed with me and said that cheaters should rot in hell, fully knowing that that was EXACTLY what you were doing at that very moment. Disgusting.

I know that I still don't have all of the truth. I'll go ahead and admit that it kinda bothers me, but you know what? Fuck it. I'll never trust a word out of your lying fucking mouth again. You are completely unworthy of any trust. There's probably not a goddamn thing you could EVER do to regain even the first sliver of my trust or respect. They are worth more than you could ever possibly give.

You lay down and spread your legs for the first guy that comes along with biceps and pecs, and expect me to forgive you. Yeah, I said it. It's the goddamn truth. You have placed this upon yourself, and you have no one else to blame. YOU did it, not once, in a drunken stupor, but TWICE. You did it TWICE. So far as I know. That's not a mistake. You knew what you were doing... you knew that you were fucking up what you had with THE PERSON WHO LOVED YOU BEYOND YOUR COMPREHENSION. That love is waning. You no longer have the power to make me suffer. You no longer have a piece of my heart. You no longer have a place in my dreams. In my future.

I gave you a second chance, and a third, and maybe a fourth, and you continue to disrespect me as if I were worthless. As if my feelings didn't mean shit. As if I would just continue doing whatever you wished, despite how you treated me, forever.

Remember when I said that I'd ALWAYS stand by your side? Well, sorry- I didn't quite mean it like that. What I meant was- as long as you don't go around fucking other people and not telling me about it, I'll always be by your side. You found the ONE SINGLE THING that I could NEVER forgive you of, and you fucking did it. TWICE.

Forgive you? Not twice, I won't. I'm not that fucking stupid.

It is impossible for me to think that after you cheating on me multiple times that it wouldn't happen again.... over, and over, and over... just like it always has.

You have set the precedent. You have established the pattern..... and I will do everything within my power to make sure that no one else in the future suffers like I have. I wouldn't wish it upon my worst enemy. Even after I knew that you were cheating on me, you tried to lie to me and say that it wasn't as bad as it was, that you only kissed him, that you never slept with him. Bullshit. I talked to him, and I know the truth. And you didn't just do it once- you slept with him, then you talked to me on the phone and told me you loved me, and then you did it AGAIN that very same night. And now you suffer, as well you should.

You have reaped what you have sowed, and you will continue to do so as long as you lie, cheat, and deceive. I sincerely hope that you feel terrible about all of this for a long time-- because you should.

NO ONE in my entire life has been so malicious, so selfish, so cruel, so intentionally hurtful as you. It is honestly beyond my comprehension that any person on this planet could be so knowingly evil. So blatantly hurtful, and show absolutely NO REMORSE WHATSOEVER. It's hard for you to even apologize- I can hear it in your voice. You say it as if it's a lie.... As if somehow you've convinced yourself that it's okay, that it's justifiable, that you had a good reason to. Sorry, but you didn't.

As I mentioned on the phone, it's not so much what you did that causes the loss of respect, trust and love. It's the fact that you are so prideful that you can't sit the fuck down, shut your fucking mouth, and take the words that I have to say like you deserve. I try and tell you how badly you have hurt me, and you hang up on me, because I'M BEING RUDE??

The fact that you are absolutely incapable of falling to your knees, crying all over my feet, and begging forgiveness is what ruins US. The fact that you're not pounding on my door, in tears, the way anyone who was truly sorry and actually wanted forgiveness would..... that's the clincher. YOU owe ME. Fuck it if you can't own up to it. Fuck it, if your stupid pride prevents you from sitting there and taking responsibility like you should. I put more into this than I had EVER EVEN IMAGINED that I would or could give to someone.... more than you could possibly comprehend.... and you slap me in the face with this. And then act like you had a RIGHT to do it?

Two nights of carnal pleasure. I hope it was worth it. Make sure you tell him how you described him to me- that he means nothing, that he's "short and round," that you aren't even attracted to him- I'm sure he'll love it.

You are not worth my time. I deserve better.


Tuesday, October 17, 2006

just like the shirt says..

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
you can still click on it to make it bigger.

So last week, I worked in NYC again... SoHo, to be more specific.

I was there when Mr. New York Yankees crashed his airplane into the building. And people keep asking me what the locals' reactions were like... well, here's how it went down.

Tourist: (frenzied) "DUDE, a plane just crashed into a building on the Upper East Side."

Local: (camly) "What kind of plane?"

Tourist: "Dunno. The said it was either a small plane or a helicopter."

Local-: "What kind of building did they crash into?"

Tourist: "They said it was an apartment building!"

Local: "Ok." Walks off, not concerned in the least.

It would appear that the people in New York have thought out terrorism as well or better than the terrorists, because they knew immediately that since it was a small plane and strategically worthless building, that it was either an accident or a loony person who hadn't thought out their plan.

And please, don't think that I'm trying to make light of the lives lost in this tragedy. It was a very unfortunate accident, and it always sucks to hear about people passing in such a way, or any way at all. I'm just trying to make the point that the tourists were running around like it was World War 3, and the locals were all cool as cucumbers.

New York....... hmmmmm......... such personality to that place........ even if it weren't the size that it is, it would still be charming and inviting and repulsive and disgusting all at the same time.

A wierd thing about NYC for me (Manhattan in particular)- it seems that every time I have to go there for work, I'm in a crappy mood. Not that having to go to Manhattan puts me in a crappy mood, but vice versa, I believe.

I have to go to Manhattan every time I get in a grumpy mood... is that Mother Fate taking care of me, or is it a kick in the ribs while I'm down? NYC is, as I mentioned before, all things at all times. It picks me up, it brings me down, and then I drink a lot and sleep. Rinse and repeat.

I had a 6AM flight to LaGuardia, which first and foremost meant that I didn't sleep. I can't go to bed before midnight without the use of heavy sedatives, much less wake up at 4AM, so early fights just mean no sleep for the Teejer....The flight put me into Queens at about 8AM. I took a taxi to my hotel, where I was planning on dropping my bags, napping for half an hour or so, and then going into work.

But it never quite works the way I plan it in NY.... My hotel is the Thirty-Thirty. 30 East 30th Street. As I'm walking in, in my delerious, lack of sleep induced stupor, all I can think about is Thirty-Thirty, dirty dirty... so I start singing to myself out loud, "dirty, dirty.... dirty dirty," followed by, "What y'all really know about the Dirty South" and finally, "They see me rooooolllliiinnn... they hatin..." Oddly enough, none of which really seem out of place to anyone in NYC, despite the fact that I'm a white boy with geeky (but hot!) glasses.

Anyway, I get to the front desk of the place, only to be informed that check in time was 3PM, and there were no rooms clean, nor had there been any early checkouts to that point. BS.

Anyway, I moseyed on down to the closest Starbucks, carefully examining the city for what had changed since I was last there in July, pulled out the trusty Treo, and began writing... and it just kept on coming.

There's something about NYC that pulls my creativity out. Begs me to let it all escape. It's never really good or bad thoughts, just sort melancholy and bittersweet- much like the great city itself. I'm still sorting through and organizing my words from that morning, but rest assured that they will be interesting when I post them up.

The city makes me think of certain people, certain times, certain situations, emotions overwheming... a flood of observations and realizations hit me like the jolt of caffiene from my cafe mocha... I wrote down as many of them as I could.

So high on caffiene, nicotine, and lack of sleep, I headed back to the hotel and begged (in a charming, polite southern way, of course), for a room.... They finally got me in at 10AM or so, which was convienent, because I had just tracked my FedEx packages, and they were delayed. So I couldn't do any work until they arrived that afternoon, anyway.

And it seemed like EVERY DAMN TIME that I was nearly asleep, I was shocked back into reality by random things like the maids yelling down the hall to each other in Spanish- CONSUELOOOO!!- or car alarms, or the stupid phone ringing. To quote Mr. Dave Chappelle, "It was terrible. TERRIBLE!"

So I went into work on approximately 22 minutes of sleep in the prior god only knows how many hours, and busted my ass like there was no tomorrow to get my job finished. All I wanted to do was get back to my hotel to sleep.

I'm gonna leave out the part about the Radio Shack which was "only two blocks away", and getting caught in the rain just because it's a downer. Just know that it happened.

On the way back to the hotel after work, I stopped off at a Deli and picked up some spagetti and meatballs and two super-huge bottles of Guiness Stout for dinner, put it all away like a man on a mission. From God.

I think proceeded to fall asleep in my clothes somewhere around 9PM, and was ecstatic about that fact because I didn't have to be at work until 1PM the next day. And I slept until noon. It felt sooooooo gooood.

Work went smoother than I could have ever imagined, and I was in a superior mood thanks to my 3 gazillion hours of sleep the night before.

I wrapped work up at 6PM or so, went to pick up a few odds and ends (can't give the secret away), then caught a taxi back to LaGuardia. And here I am now.

There was a point to all of this, but I seem to have forgotten it. Oh well. Here's a shot from the window of my hotel room to make up for it.

Definitely not the best shot I've ever taken, but I was half drunk and half asleep when I took it, which I feel allows for some margin of error... The white balance on the camera was waaaay off from the last time I'd used it, but since it made the lights look so much more yellow and eerie, I stuck with it. This shot's nasty, grainy, rough, and a bit blown-out, but I still kinda like it.


Yes, that was pretty much the only thing I took a picture of in NYC this trip. Aside from a cameraphone pic of an add in a taxi for "Bumber Guards."

I'll continue sorting through some of the words I wrote in Manhattan- hopefully I'll have them ready for the next post.

till then, I have a tiny sliver of peace, and I shall sleep now.

Monday, October 09, 2006

Sunburned in October...

Originally uploaded by tjayswift.
Credit S. for the main picture.

Just got home from a WONDERFUL little vacation to Key West.... on the GoldWing. The company was indeed wonderful, with one person I was already close with, and two others who quickly found a special place in my heart.

The riding was great, with only a little touch of rain on the way home, but no biggie. You should have seen me when the crotch ripped out of my raingear, though.

There was one flat tire (not mine), which provided a bit of adventure in BFE, Georgia, before we really even got started. Lamar, the inbred local who helped us out (bless his little heart), seemed to be intent on scratching his brain with his truck keys... he literally had to stop pushing the key into his ear because the head of it was too big to fit in there. I wanted to take a picture of this SOOO bad, but figured it would be in my best interest not to piss him off, as he was our only option for help at that point. But dear jesus, it was truly amazing.... we just couldn't tear our eyes away from this spectacle.

Oh, and I won't mention the parking lot tip-over (again, not mine). Let's see- what else worth mentioning..... I was nearly guillotined by one of those parking garage barrier-arms.... spent just a few minutes at the "Garden of Eden," a "clothing optional" rooftop bar..... question- why on earth is it that the only people who DO take their clothes off are the ones who you wish the most would keep them ON?

Please, people- if you're over 500 lbs, make it a point to keep your clothes on in public. It looked like a blubber festival at the bar.

Irish Kevin's was a definite highlight of the trip, excellent entertainment, by both the musicians and the patrons. You can definitely tell the people who don't get out much...... We also visited a "leather shop".... and not the kind of leather you wear on a motorcycle.... some really cool stuff in there, but I swear the place was staffed by the Village People. And a few of the customers looked like my Flickr stalkers.

Saw an absolutely beautiful sunset from Mallory Square.....

That shit puts you in the mood for romance instantly. Well, at least until you see the naked fat people...

Oddly enough, we passed my Deal's Gap buddy Bernie in his van on 75 on our way home, and I didn't even realize it until I saw him at the Gap this week. But I remembered his van, and he remembered our bikes passing him.... Small world, huh? And when I mentioned Key West to him, he asked me if I went to Irish Kevin's.... evidently he knows the owners.... weirder still.

The GoldWing performed flawlessly, although I never did manage to get the front wheel off the ground.... but those of you who know me know that I will persist until I succeed.... perhaps a passenger would help to get the weight rearward- any volunteers?

The CD player on that thing was a godsend (yes, it actually does have one)... I made sure and put together some old school GoldWing cross-country mixes for the trip... lots of Allman Brothers, Stevie Ray Vaughan, a dash of Clutch, some Zombie, and one En Vogue song. Part of the fun of riding the GW is throwing sparks in corners with the floorboards... wish I had some video of that.

So my last day of the trip was roundabout 700 miles, from Kissimmee to home- needless to say I was totally beat after that one. And the last hundred miles or so I was fighting a nasty tummy-ache from some SUPER spicy mexican we ate in Chattanooga. My lips were still numb the next morning. So if you eat at the new Mexican restaurant in Hamilton Place, do NOT get the Chile Colorado unless you're either stupid, or truly a bad-ass. Or perhaps both.

I slept in a bit the next day, and then took the new (to me) CBR up to Deals Gap.... snapped about 200 shots of an phenomenal sunset along the lake- here's one of the many.


And then I spent the rest of my waking daylight hours at the Gap on the KTM- should have some good pics from that next week.

To my company and hosts on the Key West trip- thank you. Thank you for a truly wonderful time, great food, great conversation, and lots of laughs. I'd do again in a heartbeat.

Actually, I can't wait to do it again.


Saturday, October 07, 2006

totally priceless....

This site is fueled by: Newcastle Brown Ale Maker's Mark Woodford Reserve Totino's Shiner Bock